Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Today I composed two letters to Mayor Ashton Hayward regarding the use of the city's Tree Trust Fund, and the City's use of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides on city land and facilities. The first letter regarding the tree fund is published below:

Sherri Myers

Councilwoman, Pensacola City Council, District 2
526 Parker Dr, Pensacola Florida 32524
(850) 484-0902, SherriM@pensacola.ci.fl.us

January 23, 2011

Mayor Ashton Hayward
Office of the Mayor
180 Governmental Center
P.O. Box 12910
Pensacola, Florida 32521

Dear Mayor Hayward,


By way of this letter, I am making three request: (1) an open record request, (2) an audit of the City of Pensacola’s Tree Trust Fund, (3) a moratorium on the expenditure of any funds from the Tree Trust Fund until an audit and a review of the city’s past, present and future policies regarding the use of the Tree Trust Fund have been completed.

This is an open record request pursuant to Florida Statute 119. The term “record” is to be construed liberally to include all records, written, recorded, electronic, and oral communications that have been memorialized in any manner.

This open record request seeks to obtain information regarding the source of all funds the City of Pensacola has use since January 2005 for the purchase and planting of trees, shrubs and other forms of vegetation. Please make available for inspection the following records:

1. Records that reflect all funding sources used by the City of Pensacola for the purchase of trees, shrubs, and other vegetation since January 2005.

2. Records that reflect the source and amount of all funds received from any source for tree and reforestation mediation due to Hurricane Ivan or any other natural disaster since January 2005.

3. As to paragraph 2, provide all records that reflect how and where those funds were spent, including the types of trees, shrubs or vegetation purchased.

4. Records that reflect the amount of funds received for tree and/or reforestation remediation from any source connected with, or resulting from, improvements to I-110, or any other road improvement project.

5. As to paragraph 4, all records that reflect how and where those funds were spent, including the types of trees, shrubs or vegetation purchased.

6. Records that reflect the source and amount of all funds placed in the Tree Trust Fund since 2005.

7. Records that reflect the amount of tree remediation funds the City of Pensacola received from the development on Bayou Blvd, which includes the Rave Theater, and other commercial properties on the site.

8. Records that reflect the amount of tree remediation funds the City of Pensacola received from the development on Airport Blvd., known as “Cobblestone” .

9. Records that reflect the amount of tree remediation funds the City of Pensacola received from the development at Airport and North Davis Hwy. that includes “Rooms to Go”, as well as other establishments.

10. As to paragraphs 7, 8 and 9, provide all records of whatever kind that reflect how those funds have been spent, including the types of trees, shrubs and vegetation purchased and planted.

11. As to all of the above paragraphs, please provide records that reflect funds expended for purchases other than trees, shrubs and vegetation.

12. Records that reflect the status and amount of funds presently in the City’s Tree Trust Fund.

13. Records that reflect any plans for the use of the funds that are currently in the City’s Tree Trust Fund.

14. Records of correspondence, e-mails and other forms of communication between any persons, City staff or any other persons affiliated with the City of Pensacola regarding the use of the Tree Trust Fund.

Please make these records available for inspection in an area that is free of “air-fresheners” and other such forms of air pollution.

Please contact me, either personally or through your designee, to arrange a time for the inspection of these records.

Finally, I am requesting the Mayor’s Office conduct an audit of the City’s tree fund. including expenditures and polices since 2005. I am requesting a moratorium on any expenditures of the tree fund until the audit is completed, an appropriate plan is developed for the use of those funds consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Land Development Plan, and approved by the City Council with input from the citizens.


Sherri Myers
Councilwoman, District 2